Kádek László

About Me

Personal Info

Name: László Kádek

Date of birth: 24 July 1992

Nationality: Slovak

Location: Bratislava, SK

E-mail: info@kadeklaszlo.com

About Myself

Hi, my name is Laci, I’m a 32 years old software engineer.

In June 2018 I obtained master’s degree at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.

Now I’m working as project leader and software engineer at StreamUnlimited.



Master's Degree

2016 – 2018

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Computer and Network Security

Bachelor's Degree

2013 – 2016

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Computer and Network Security

High School

Graduation Certificate

2007 – 2011

Hans Selye High School, Komárno, Slovak Republic

Focusing: Informatics

Graduation Certificate: Hungarian grammar and literature, Slovak grammar and literature, English grammar (B1), Informatics, Mathematics


Animator Certificate

2012 – 2014

Animator Course, Horné Saliby, Slovak Republic

Educational themes: management, psychology, pedagogy of leisure time and didactics, ethics, basics of theology, practical theology, sociology and social teaching of the Church

Graduation In Art And Music School

1999 – 2010

Art and Music School, Komárno

Course of classical guitar – Level 1 and 2


Processing and recognition of complex minutiae in dactyloscopic prints

2016, Bachelor’s Thesis


The primary aim of this bachelor thesis is to suggest a method for automated extraction of complex fingerprint minutiae. Other aims include describing issues related to sensing, processing and reconstruction fingerprint images and mapping out their development and current status of processing. The first part of this thesis contains a historical introduction to dactyloscopy, an overview and explanation of basic concepts. In the second part of this thesis the essences and functioning of the methods used for preprocessing of fingerprint images are described. In the practical part the process and interim results during preprocessing of a fingerprint image (segmentation, histogram normalization, Wiener filtering, Gabor filtering, binarization, skeletonization) are shown. Furthermore, an algorithm for extraction of base (ending, bifurcation) and complex fingerprint minutiae (overlap and dock) is designed. The last part contains statistical results after applying the proposed algorithm on a fingerprint database.

DBOX-server: a network fingerprint recognition system

2018, Master’s Thesis


The primary goal of this thesis is to design and develop a complex fingerprint recognition system, referred to as DBOX-server. It runs in Linux environment, providing an efficient way of identity verification in computer network. The most important thesis goals are image preprocessing, fingerprint feature extraction using convolutional neural network and subsequent feature matching. In order to make mass fingerprint processing feasible, we employed a GPU computing power along with CPU threads. In the introductory part, we present our goals and describe all frameworks we used during the software implementation. The following sections of the thesis deals with design of our solution, organising individual tasks into standalone libraries. At this stage, deep neural networks play a crucial role, as we employed them as minutiae classifiers. Moreover, we created a specialized tool for image data collection, training and interactive testing of neural networks. For this purpose we used Caffe library. We also created our own multithreaded matching algorithm based on well known Bozorth3 method developed by NIST. In addition, during the testing stage we also made use of Suprema matching technology. In the final section we discuss the obtained results of comprehensive tests carried out on popular fingerprint databases. Our solution was evaluated in terms of speed and recognition rate. Finally, we compared the results with published works in the field and proposed future improvements.

Skills & Interests

Language Skills

Mother tongue: Hungarian

Advanced Level: Slovak

Intermediate Level: English

Interests and Hobbies



Playing volleyball








Organizing events




Contact Me

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